Espresso Recipe | Honduras Maria Melva Rodriguez


With this recipe we aim for a balanced espresso, with tropical fruits notes, fermented flavors, a spicy acidity and a super creamy body.

  • In: 17g
  • Out: 50g
  • Time: 27″

For milk based drinks (230ml double cappuccino) we modify the recipe (17,5g / 48g / 26″), it results in a super sweet drink with flavors of caramel, toffee and freshly baked pastries.

Taste amazing!

Recipe based on results with la marzocco linea mini and mazzer Kony E grinder.

The Coffee

Maria Melva Rodriguez owns the farm Las Casitas. After living many years in the USA, Maria decided to return to Honduras and start producing coffee, which she has done for the last 15 years. Since she doesn’t have much land, she has decided to focus entirely on quality and maximise her earnings through investment in specialty coffee production. The coffee is processed at the Aruco mill at 800 masl, which gives a drier more stable climate to dry the coffee. The cherries are assessed (Brix), cleaned and washed, floated and then dried for between 20-30 days on beds.

Leave us your comments

We’ve created this recipe to help you improve your experience enjoying our beans, but remember that coffee is not an exact science, so we invite you to experiment yourself and, if you feel like, let us know your feedback.

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